SHANTARAM by Gregory David Roberts
Un capolavoro. Un libro che ti entra nel profondo e ti prende fin dalle prime pagine, anzi fin dal primo capoverso, che è già un capolavoro in se stesso. Il…
Read moreThe Erremme Recruitment website
This is my last "creation": Erremme Recruitment, a website which help you find a job in Malta! . Why don't you have a look:!
Read moreHow To Work A Conference
This is a very interesting article written by Chris Fralic on the website LinkedIn. 10 Tips on How To Work A Conference (with a particular Business Development focus on those…
Read more8 things remarkably successful people do
This is a very interesting article written by Jeff Haden on the website The most successful people in business work differently. See what they do and why it works.…
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